December 9th - 2013
acercan las vacaciones y no hay mejor
época en el año para pasar tiempo con tus amigas, con la llegada del
verano no puedes dejar de lucir hermosa
y mostrar sin temores esas zonas del cuerpo de las que a veces te avergüenzas,
como las axilas.
las intensas temperaturas usuales del receso de mitad de año, no hay necesidad
de restringirte de los esqueletos ideales para la piscina o la playa, o el
vestido de baño que tanto te gusta, solo porque tus axilas no tienen el aspecto
que necesitas, aquí te tenemos el secreto para que te sientas
más cómoda de lo que te imaginas luciéndolas.
95% de las mujeres se preocupan por el aspecto de sus axilas, algunas, porque les
agrada usar ropa sin mangas, otras, porque el simple cuidado de ellas les hace
sentir más femeninas y bellas o solo para sentirse bien con ellas mismas, como
una de las principales fuentes de seguridad y autoestima. Por diferentes motivos,
la mayoría de las mujeres se depila el vello de las axilas para darles una
mejor apariencia. Pero luego de la depilación, las axilas pueden mostrar signos
visibles de daño en la piel: pueden verse ásperas, irregulares e incluso a
veces enrojecidas.
primer paso para tener unas axilas sanas, es ser conscientes del daño que causa
la depilación, esto no significa no depilarse, pero si usar productos para el
cuidado de la piel como una herramienta reparadora de las axilas.
Usar productos con crema humectante,
como los nuevos desodorantes Dove, le ayudará a restablecer la belleza de la
piel de sus axilas, pues solo con el nivel
exacto de los mejores humectantes, un desodorante puede ayudar activamente a la
piel a revertir el daño causado por la depilación y realmente marcar una
diferencia luego de tan solo cinco días.
July 4th - 2013
June 9th - 2013
Available at La Riviera
April 12th - 2013
April 5th - 2012
March 22nd - 2013
Women and men must have at least a pair of jeans on their closets, actually I'm obsessed about jeans, I wear them almost every day due to their comfort and versatility. Nowdays you can find silhouettes for every type of body and likes. This time the italian brand DIESEL presented its latest jeanswear collection for women; which I really loved, the silhouettes they offer in different type of colors make me think this brand is really thinking about real women, even my mom could go and find an amazing pair of jeans there. Remember skinny jeans are perfect for women without big hips, for these type of bodies it's better to wear jeans with straight boots, they make the perfect balance between big hips and legs. It's important to know first what kind of body you have, then you can find easlily garments that favor your figure.
March 12th - 2013
January 28th - 2013
Looking for discounts? Celio* is a great option!!!. 40% off at Celio* stores of Bogota and Medellin.
Buscando descuentos? Celio* es una buena opción!!!. 40% de descuento en las tiendas Celio* de Medellín y Bogotá.
January 13th - 2013
Celio* Jeans come in different silhouettes and colors, however skinny jeans seem to be the favorite ones between younger men who want to feel fashionable and confident at the same time. One of things I really enjoy from skinny jeans is the fact that you can try with oversize garments such as coats, jackets, and sweaters; even you can play with layers as you can see in the third look. If you are fan of this type of shapes, be sure to have a pair of jeans in navy blue; these goes perfectly with any kind of color and sometimes also works for formal ocations.
Los Jeans Celio* vienen en diferentes colores y siluetas, sin embargo los jeans ajustados parecen ser los favoritos entre los hombres jóvenes que quieren estar a la moda y sentirse seguros al mismo tiempo. Una de las cosas que más disfruto de los jeans ajustados es el hecho de que puedes probarte prendas amplias como abrigos, chaquetas, y suéteres; incluso jugar con capas como se puede ver en el tercer look. Si eres fanático a esta clase de formas, asegúrate de tener al menos un par de jeans ajustados en tono azul oscuro; ya que van perfecto con cualquier clase de color y algunas veces también funcionan para ocasiones formales.
Los Jeans Celio* vienen en diferentes colores y siluetas, sin embargo los jeans ajustados parecen ser los favoritos entre los hombres jóvenes que quieren estar a la moda y sentirse seguros al mismo tiempo. Una de las cosas que más disfruto de los jeans ajustados es el hecho de que puedes probarte prendas amplias como abrigos, chaquetas, y suéteres; incluso jugar con capas como se puede ver en el tercer look. Si eres fanático a esta clase de formas, asegúrate de tener al menos un par de jeans ajustados en tono azul oscuro; ya que van perfecto con cualquier clase de color y algunas veces también funcionan para ocasiones formales.
January 9th - 2013
Felicitaciones a los ganadores del concurso eBay - Fashiontaster Look @Andres952alsdas @AndreaAltahonaC @Paolira @Polyvintage y @lali_vallejo. Recuerden que para poder realizar la carga correspondiente a los 50 dolares de premio, deben abrir una cuenta en PAYPAL y enviar a info@fashiontaster.net el correo electrónico con el que cada uno de ustedes abrió esta cuenta. Luego de recibir sus correos enviaremos los pasos a seguir para que puedan realizar sus compras en eBay.
Les agradecemos su participación y esperamos contar con ustedes en futuros concursos.
Fashiontaster and eBay want to celebrate new year with a great contest starting on January 9th - 2013. It's very easy to take part of it, first you must follow @ftasterblog on twitter and be ready to upload a picture of your ebay look as soon as it will be required. Now, what is a eBay look? well... It's just a picture of your favorite outfit, it doesn't matter if it's formal or casual, the picture must show your look head to toe and the tweet must say "eBay Look + Picture (of your eBay look) + the hashtag #eBaylook". I've got five giftcards with 50 US dollars for five different people; this money can be spent on eBay shopping. Winners will be announced by twitter too, you can become a winner as fast as you upload your eBay look after the picture will be required on twitter, so you must be prepared and start following FASHIONTASTER tweets, you can be one of the winners!.
Les agradecemos su participación y esperamos contar con ustedes en futuros concursos.
Fashiontaster and eBay want to celebrate new year with a great contest starting on January 9th - 2013. It's very easy to take part of it, first you must follow @ftasterblog on twitter and be ready to upload a picture of your ebay look as soon as it will be required. Now, what is a eBay look? well... It's just a picture of your favorite outfit, it doesn't matter if it's formal or casual, the picture must show your look head to toe and the tweet must say "eBay Look + Picture (of your eBay look) + the hashtag #eBaylook". I've got five giftcards with 50 US dollars for five different people; this money can be spent on eBay shopping. Winners will be announced by twitter too, you can become a winner as fast as you upload your eBay look after the picture will be required on twitter, so you must be prepared and start following FASHIONTASTER tweets, you can be one of the winners!.
Once we have the five winners, they must open an account on PayPal, and send us the e mail they used; so we can send them there the giftcard charge.
Fashiontaster y eBay quieren celebrar Año Nuevo con un gran concurso que empezará el 9 de enero de 2013. Es muy fácil hacer parte del concurso, primero debes seguir a @ftasterblog en twitter y estar listo para subir una foto de tu look eBay tan pronto como esta sea pedida. Que es un look eBay? Pues bien, es una fotografía de tu look favorito, no importa si este es formal o casual, la fotografía debe mostrar tu look de pies a cabeza y el tweet debe decir "eBay Look + Foto (de tu look eBay) + el hashtag #eBaylook". Tengo 5 tarjetas de regalo con 50 dolares para cinco personas diferentes; este dinero puede ser utilizado para compras en eBay. Los ganadores serán anunciados también a través de twitter, podrás convertirte en ganador tan rapido como subas la fotografía de eBay look cuando esta sea requerida en twitter; así que debes de estar preparado y seguir cada uno de los tweets de FASHIONTASTER, tu puedes ser uno de los ganadores!.
Una vez tengamos los cinco ganadores, estos deben abrir una cuenta en PayPal y enviarnos el correo con el que esta fue abierta para así poder realizar allí la carga de la tarjeta de regalo.
December 28th - 2012
Camisa 99.990
Camiseta 79-990
Pantalón 149.900
moda para el fin de año tiene un común denominador y es el color. Una
vibrante paleta de colores brillantes, como el verde, rojo, naranja y
azul, pisan fuerte esta temporada, y comparten escenario con los
colores básicos.No Project, apuesta por estos colores, sin olvidar los colores básicos, lanzando al mercado su colección “Color Atttitude”.
Esta colección está compuesta de prendas masculinas (pantalones, bermudas,camisas, chaquetas y camisetas), diseñada para los amantes de la moda que desean un look atrevido y deportivo, que sienten la necesidad de divertirse, viajar, vivir nuevas aventuras y experimentar un sinfín de sensaciones sin olvidar la agilidad, practicidad y comodidad.
Este concepto inspirado en el llamado “ Color Blocking” o bloque de color , mezcla las diferentes prendas en colores brillantes entre si o con colores básicos como el blanco y negro.
November 20th - 2012
November 7th - 2012
October 10th - 2012
The brazilian brand CHILLI BEANS specialized in glasses and sunglasses has achieved an important colaboration with the top brazilian designers for this season. Now you can have unique frames from Ronaldo Fraga, Alexandre Herchcovitch, Carlihnos Brown, and Isabela Capeto; for men and women. I had my Ronaldo Fraga sunglasses for 80 dollars at the flagship store 82T in Bogota. Here, some of the frames available in Colombia:
Ronaldo Fraga
Isabela Capeto
Alexandre Herchcovitch
Carlhinos Brown
October 9th - 2012
With a strong athletic style this type of shoes are perfect to give confort to your feet. Inspired by hiking, Hallandale shoes have strong rubber soles which help to keep your feet warm and relax. I love this type of shoes in unexpected combinations of colors, maybe in acid tones or pastel ones.
With a kind of cup sole, these type of shoes are designed to create a link between Lacoste heritage and new trends; using premium materials and the best leather quality, very similar to crocodile skin. Nistos shoes are perfect for people who don't like to fell so sportful and prefer to feel classic at the same time.
October 1rst - 2012
The latest DIESEL jeans collection is inspired by color contrasts this time. Textures inside and outside the jeans are from different colors, now you can play with two different textures on the same garment just turning up the jeans boots. Silhouettes come in different shapes, straight, slim fit, carrot, and the flairlegg (regular fit on the top + oversize jeans boots) for women. Jeans for women come in a very colorful way, red, light blue, yellow, burgundy, and white; these colors can be also found on leggings. Colors for men jeans are a little more classic, you can have a beautiful cobalt blue, brown, dark blue, and green; This time I choose the cobalt ones, I just love them; everytime I get a new Diesel jeans that one becomes my favorite.
Pictures by Paula Mendoza
Pictures by Paula Mendoza
September 18th - 2012
Ximena Castro the designer of AHAVA studied Industrial Design in Los Andes University, after graduated she decided do a master on fashion jewelry design at the Instituto Europeo di Design in Madrid. Then Ximena came back to Colombia and created this exquisite brand where accessories have been ispired by trips this designer did to the middle East, Morocco, Istanbul, and India. "Every single collection is inspired by a different culture, for example this time I was inspired by Morocco; I took elements from this culture and then I mixed them with global trends" replies the designer. Pieces are made of copper, metal, silver gold pleated, and Swarovski crystals; most of them also have weaving techniques using yarns and tapes in different colors. Prices are around 20 and 120 dollars, you can contact Ximena through her Fan Page on Facebook called "Ahava Accessories"
August 21 - 2012
August 8th - 2012
The New NORA LOZZA's JIMMY BAGS are timeless, versatile, and funtional; they can be wore by type women during summmer or winter. You can have this bag in basic colors like white, black, and brown; however I recommend pastel and electric color for this season.
July 17th - 2012
Geelbe is celebrating its second anniversary with excellent discounts on products for men, women, home, and kids; you can find just during this week everything in less than $100.000 pesos, so click on the picture and start shopping as soon as you can.
July 13th - 2012
Marithé Francois Girbaud has been always looking for a futuristic and utilitarian vision for fashion, this time jeans came with interesting codes of red and gray stripes where people are able to style them just turning the boots of the jeans up; as you can see on the first picture. Each reference has a different kind of code inspired by the bar codes you see everywhere. I already have my BARCODE jeans and they are just perfect, I love them!!!. Look at the picture below and see the different ways you can style your jeans.
June 9th - 2012
LOZZA's latest collection is inspired by nature; colors like pink,
cahmel, brown, green, and black were chosen by the creative department inspired by flowers, trees, and leaves; this time NORA
LOZZA wanted to reflect the nature beauty on leather goods for all kind
of women. Bags in different sizes and forms, belts, wallets, shoes, ipad cases, and suitcases; complete this collection made of the best leather quality and impeccable finished.
June 7th - 2012
Introducing the Spring - Summer Collection 2012 United Colors of Benetton opened the first concept store in Bogota. The italian brand wanted to create and exclusive place where modernity is the principal issue. This type of stores have been also opened in Milan, Munich, Varsovia, and Istambul; maintaining elegance, the colorful, and the responsibility that characterizes the brand.
The press and fashion bloggers were invited to celebrate with a very healthy brunch this opening, and of course to see the clothes Benetton offers for men, women, and kids this season. Men collection is inspired by the sportful mood, pastel tones make contrast with the acid ones; knitwear can be found on cardigans, basic sweaters, and montgomery coats some of them with stripes and scottish squares. By the other hand, women collection seems to be very female, this time benetton wants to see a more sophisticated women, that´s why fabrics like silk will be full of flowers, dots, and stripes prints; however you can also find knitwear pieces such as sweaters, cardigans, and scarfs.
At the end of the brunch, three of the invited bloggers were chosen to style three models using Benetton pieces. Ita María, Nathalia Ordóñez, and Me, run around all the shop looking for the pieces we like more for the outfit; I chose a dots cardigan, a basic shirt, beige wedges, squares shorts, and a white tote bag; I think I'm obsessed with prints mix that´s why I selected those pieces.
May 26th - 2012
The Colombo - French fashion designer Haider Ackermann is visiting Colombia at the end of May. The designer who will have a show during the 25th aniversary of Colombiamoda next year, is also offering a conference on May 31rst at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University Bogota.
May 17th - 2012
DIESEL Spring - Summer 2012 Collection is inspired by the seventies trend called "Light Exposure" where special effects of lightness are located at the waist high and the knees area. Constrasts between lightness and darkness is the most important thing for Diesel this season. You can find these kind of effects on different kind of silhouettes skinny, straight, and carrot. At the same time you can have them in different kind of colors.
May 7th - 2012
The Stylist Catalina Zuluaga, the jewlery designer Mercedes Salazar, and the Fashion Editor from Fucsia Magazine joined forces and created "Lobo Rosa", a shoes brand which mix craft hand made work with high techniques of leather goods. Different type of shoes for men and women can be bought at Lobo Rosa Showroom in bogota (Cra 19 No. 85 - 23), however my favorite ones are the "Slippers"; you can find them in colors like red, blue, and black; some of them have special jewlery details such as skull and metal spots. The Sleepers are made of velvet and "hamaca" materials inside. Prices are around 150 and 180 US dollars.
April 13th - 2012
Shopping Online is one of my favorite things;
it’s easy, practical, and cheap! Last week I discovered TUCANY.COM.CO, a new
option for shopping without leaving your home.
I was really surprised to find
such good Colombian designers and brands clothes with excellent prices and
discounts in every single piece. TUCANY’s prices are usually cheaper than the
ones you can get at the shop. Of course these promotions are available just for
one week; you have to be checking the web site as many times as possible, so
you probably catch a good discount in trendy and exclusive products.
You will find designs from Maria Elena
Villamil, A NEW CROSS by Nicolas Rivero, Faride Ramos, Maria Luisa Ortíz Red Label,
CIRCULAR by Camilo Álvarez, Aura Dajer; and some other fashion specialists and
brands with excellent products and really good prices.
Another thing I love from TUCANY is how fast
they deliver your order; I think that’s a very important thing with Internet
Shopping; when you buy something, you want to wear it as soon as possible.
Furthermore they are assuming the shipping price, so you don´t spend money on
I would like to see more designers selling
their clothes by TUCANY; it’s an easy and fast way for them to get new clients
in cities where they don’t sell their clothes, and is a great way for them to
get free publicity.
"Selling online is like a boutique in every corner of the world". FARIDE RAMOS
"Selling online is like a boutique in every corner of the world". FARIDE RAMOS
Here, an special discount ticket for my readers!!!
April 5th - 2012

Perse 828 also supports Colombian designers such as María Elena Villamil, Renata Lozano, Leal Daccarett, Paula Mendoza, Carolina Sepulveda - ALDEA, and bed clothes from Bogota Linen Company. Undoubtedly this Exclusive concept store makes easier to find pieces from the best international with very reasonable prices.
March 29th - 2012
Perse 828 is a new concept store where you can buy the most sophisticated clothes, art, and interior design.
This place is an exquisite mix of important iternational and national fashion designers, furniture, and art pieces. From Spain you can find clothes from Amaya Arzuaga, Angel Schlesser, and Sita Murt. From Brazil Vania Nielsen with accessories. From United States you can find exclusive clothes from Theory, Theyskens Theory, Elizabeth & James, Phillip Lim, and Jason Wu.
Perse 828 also supports Colombian designers such as María Elena Villamil, Renata Lozano, Leal Daccarett, Paula Mendoza, Carolina Sepulveda - ALDEA, and bed clothes from Bogota Linen Company. Undoubtedly this Exclusive concept store makes easier to find pieces from the best international with very reasonable prices.
Address in Bogota:Cll 81 No. 8 - 28
March 29th - 2012
Rossana Castro (Fashion Designer), Nestore Guarino (Audio Engineer), and Miriam Manrique (Lawyer); joined forces and created "EL APARTAMENTO". Located in one of the most exclusive areas of Bogota, El Apartamento is a small place where you can find different type of design: fashion, interior, photography, art, and music; the owners wanted to support new talents and put all together in one place.
The strict selection of every piece is done by the three owners, they want unique quality pieces for their clients. You can find clothes from the well konw brand Duplicity, sun glasses from Little Lucia, Photos from Juan Diego Ortiz, Antiques, and also a recording studio where Nestore makes his music.
Address: Cll 85 # 11 - 53 Int 1o. Office 301
March 23th - 2012
Jogg Jeans are denomited as the "new era" jeans, they are a short step for DIESEL and a big jump for the jeanswear world. 33 years of incessant investigation and progress. A fusion of two essentian fabrics. A revolutionary product. Secret Scientists from Diesel laboratory have developed an experimental prototype of a garment mixing elements from sweatpants and classic jeans. An unique fusion of design, and a new fabric which combine the iconic style and the durability from the denim, with a relax attitude and comfort of the sweatpants.
Jogg Jeans are available in a new knit which uses the same method of demin make, but with a special technique which also make these pants look as jeans outside and as a sweatpants inside.
These fabulous jeans combines softness, lightness, and comfort; all these in an only garment which can preserve its shape and can also resists every kind of washed.
EMPORIO ARMANI. Spring - Summer Collection 2012
March 23th - 2012
Clo Clo Echavarria buyer and owner of Emporio Armani and Armani Exchange Colombia invite some bloggers to a wonderful brunch at Emporio Armani Boutique in Bogota. Clo Clo wanted to give the first sight of the spring - summer collection 2012 to fashion bloggers.

Neodesign is the name given by Giorgio Armani to this collection, a palette of icy pastel colors made a beautiful contrast with black which is also an important color on this collection. Volumes in silhouettes named Ring of Saturn gave the futuristic touch, of course the traditional tailoring and the classic mood from Armani was present on this collection. Exquisite clothes for women and men with magnificent cuts and details in every single piece made the perfect balance of elegance and vanguard.
Three floors of fashion and luxury in the most exclusive area of Bogota is located the modern contruction of the first Emporio Armani Boutique in Colombia, you can find women clothes on the first floor and menswear on the other two. The boutique has a minimal mood mixed with glam touches, you can also find men and women accessories, perfums, and shoes.
KIPPLING. Spring - Summer Collection 2012
March 20th - 2012
Kippling' Spring - Summer Collection 2012 seems to be very sweet!. Most of the new bags are made of denim mixed with other fabrics in Pastel Colors. Kippling wanted to be online with the main trend of the summer "Pastel Palette" keeping traditional colors like blue and gray in some of the bags. Some of these bags have leather details mixed with a washing effects in most of the fabrics. Big bags and small ones are available for every type of likes and needs.
CAROLINA HERRERA. Spring - Summer Collection 2012
March 20th - 2012
Inspired by the sophisticated seventies is Carolina Herrera' Spring - Summer Collection 2012. A relax sensation in straight and loose silhouettes can be found on this new collection, most of the pieces can be worn for day to day. Feminine Volumes in cocktail dresses and romantic silhouettes for the long ones are available in white, yellow, and fuchsia.
The colletion was presented to a very selected group of people last week at Carolina Herrera's Boutique in Bogota. Some models walked with the most representative pieces of the collection, my favorite ones were the long dresses made of silky fabrics specially the ones with big moles, and a two pieces outfit of a fifties mood skirt and a sophisticated neck loop shirt, it was so chic!!
The colletion was presented to a very selected group of people last week at Carolina Herrera's Boutique in Bogota. Some models walked with the most representative pieces of the collection, my favorite ones were the long dresses made of silky fabrics specially the ones with big moles, and a two pieces outfit of a fifties mood skirt and a sophisticated neck loop shirt, it was so chic!!
Men Spring - Summer Collection 2012 is also available in Carolina Herrera's Colombian Boutiques, this time the inspiration was totally preppy and ivy, the clothes is perfect for men who want to look sophisticated and classic. Different kind of blue, red, coral, pink, and green; are some of the colors two can have in different kind of fabrics like linen, knitwear, and cotton.
March 15th - 2012
Falabella inspired its latest campaign on three international bloggers, "Brianda Fitz, Laura Hayden, and Aida Domenech". This time the chilean brand store wanted to leave behind the celebrities faces and put real people instead.
"Fashion Changed" is one of the slogan they used to support this huge phenomenon which generates trend in the streets.
This campaign is closely linked with social networks, Falabella thinks bloggers are not only people who make fashion comments, they also have an influence on fashion and are creating a new communication generation.
Each one of these three bloggers represent a different style. Bianca has an etnic, grunge mood; Laura has metalic glam style; and Aida reflects an interest in vanguard and geometry.
Is the first time in Colombia, that a brand is committed to this trend as its communication backbone, the proposal in fashion and style to their clients.
February 2th - 2012
The traditional brand KEIHL'S from New York opened the first shop in Bogota, now Colombian men and women would be able to buy high quality products for skin care, hair care, and body care.
KIEHL was created in 1951, it started as a very small place in West Village, since then the quality of the products have got such as good results that now they have several shops around the world like: Paris, Milan, LondON, Dubai, Mexico, Hong Kong, Sidney, Mexico, Madrid, and other countries.